30 May 2010

Free tool: Certificate Manager for Exchange 2007

Exchange 2007 enables SSL within IIS by default. Using PowerShell commands, certificate creation and management is quite confusing and often results with incorrect results due to the nature of the syntax. U-BTech Solutions is providing Certificate Manager for Exchange Server 2007 freely, to ease the process with a simple, easy to use GUI which enables you to:

1) Manage your current server certificates.
2) Enable certificates for Exchange 2007 Services (POP, IMAP, SMTP, IIS, UM).
3) Generate an Exchange 2007 Certificate Signing Request and process the Certificate Authority answer.
4) Generate an Exchange 2007 Self-Signed certificate (not for production use).
5) Easily include additional subject names in a single certificate.
6) Import & Export ability for existing certificates.

To read more about Certificate Use in Exchange 2007 at Microsoft TechNet follow the link:


Certificate Manager for Exchange Server 2007 is currently offered by U-BTech Solutions free of charge, enjoy!

Free Download for Certificate Manager for Exchange 2007

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