27 July 2016
http://www.highclouder.ninja/ - O365, Azure, Express Route, On-Premises, and etc..
For last 2 years, I've got a LOT of emails from many people around the globe (at least once a week ), and all those people asked me pretty much the same question: "Misha, you've been blogging since 1998... why did you stop blogging?" So, here it is! I have created a brand new blog:http://www.highclouder.ninja/ The new blog will cover as much as possible about Microsoft Cloud eco-system (I'll be blogging about a lot of tricks and tips, about O365, Azure, Express Route, On-Premises, and etc.. No Sales Bla, Bla, Bla ). So, PLEASE spread the word about the new blog http://www.highclouder.ninja/
18 December 2015
The Withering - Early Access Game
I'm very excited about a new milestone a great Canadian Game-Dev company, CM SOFTWORKS has achieved!
As You know, iRangers Architectured and Built all IT infrastructure for CM Softworks, so they are able to focus on the a brand new game that has been in development for a while and now finally gets a status of an Early Access Game.
Special Early Access In-Game content sponsored by iRangers International Inc. ;)
03 April 2015
IT Big Boys – Playing The Business
As you all know, because iRangers is considered to be one of the best IT Consulting Companies, we are being involved on a variety of projects. Our consultant’s area of experience allows us to cover almost anything imaginable in the field. Our clients range varies from Financial and Medical Institutions to Enterprise Businesses, each of those client business models and field of operations differ in many aspects. This is why we often find ourselves in the unique and original projects out there. And we would like to mention one of those projects that we are currently involved in.
It is a new Video Game project that has been in development since late 2013 by an independent development company CM Softworks Inc. The game will be published on Steam and one of its main focuses is the Multiplayer aspect. To support a modern game multiplayer, developers have to establish a solid foundation to provide the best quality services in multiplayer gameplay.iRangers are currently building that foundation for CM Softworks Inc.
The game is in development stage and CM Softworks Inc. is running a crowd funding and community support campaigns on Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight. We are encouraging you to join us in support of this project by following the below links to Kickstarter and Steam Greenlightpages.
18 January 2015
N-1: Where IT Departments S….?
Being named as one of the best IT experts in Canada, iRangers team is often involved in various assessment, discovery and troubleshooting engagements. While analyzing these cases from several past years, we found some interesting commonalities. No matter which technology is being deployed, assessed or troubleshot, whether it is Microsoft, Citrix, VMware or other vendor products, there are several common themes and trends. In this post we would like to share our observations and describe these common issues, and, what is more important, explain how to avoid these problems by taking proactive steps…
Continue @ source: iRangers
20 August 2014
How to change default TCP/IP from IPv6 to IPv4?
Many of us were disabling IPv6 protocol on a system, where it was not used. You can find many blog articles, where people are recommending disabling IPv6 (unfortunately the procedure in most of these articles is not correct).
Times are changing, and more organizations are preparing for IPv6 implementation. At iRangers we see this more often, especially on large-scale projects for government offices, banks, and other enterprise level companies.
Personally, I still prefer to have IPv4 protocol to be a default protocol on a task critical servers (by default, since Windows Vista IPv6 is a default protocol). So, here is a small trick on how to change the default TCP/IP protocol from IPv6 to IPv4. Execute the following command through command line or script:...
Continue at source: iRangers.com
Times are changing, and more organizations are preparing for IPv6 implementation. At iRangers we see this more often, especially on large-scale projects for government offices, banks, and other enterprise level companies.
Personally, I still prefer to have IPv4 protocol to be a default protocol on a task critical servers (by default, since Windows Vista IPv6 is a default protocol). So, here is a small trick on how to change the default TCP/IP protocol from IPv6 to IPv4. Execute the following command through command line or script:...
Continue at source: iRangers.com
24 June 2014
Cloud – Is it Good? Is it Secured? Do you still need to have your own Backup Solution?
Cloud – Is it Good? Is it Secured? Do you still need to have your own Backup solution? All those questions we get almost everyday.
BTW, while I was writing this post, I’ve got an IM message that contained the following: Exchange Online ( Office 365 ) is down 

Many cloud users know the vendor story: multiple datacenters, geograpically distributed; multiple version retention; checksums to ensure data integrity; and synchronization across devices. What could possibly go wrong?
But, what would you do, when you read something like this:...
Continue at source: iRangers.com
24 May 2014
iRangers - #1 Team of Certified and Experienced IT Professionals in Canada
Dear Community,
I am excited to announce the opening of a new IT company "iRangers International Inc." specializing in business technology consulting. iRangers is highly skilled and experienced team of certified consultants. iRangers already work for leading organizations in public, private and legal sectors. iRangers would enjoy the opportunity to do a project for your organization or to enter into partnership with companies engaged in IT business. iRangers is focused on: Microsoft and Citrix products, Networks and UNIX, Databases and Development, Storage.
Extended profile at corporate web site: iRangers.com
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