20 August 2014

How to change default TCP/IP from IPv6 to IPv4?

Many of us were disabling IPv6 protocol on a system, where it was not used. You can find many blog articles, where people are recommending disabling IPv6 (unfortunately the procedure in most of these articles is not correct).

Times are changing, and more organizations are preparing for IPv6 implementation. At iRangers we see this more often, especially on large-scale projects for government offices, banks, and other enterprise level companies.

Personally, I still prefer to have IPv4 protocol to be a default protocol on a task critical servers (by default, since Windows Vista IPv6 is a default protocol). So, here is a small trick on how to change the default TCP/IP protocol from IPv6 to IPv4. Execute the following command through command line or script:...

Continue at source:  iRangers.com

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